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Category: Ekstrakti

  • Viburnum berry extract

    Irbeņu ogas ir bagātas ar A, B grupas, C, E, K vitamīniem, oleīnskābi, laurīnskābi un linolēnskābi.

    Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the viburnum berry extract, the extract promotes the production of collagen, delays the aging process, accelerates wound healing and promotes blood microcirculation in the skin.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Heather extract

    Heathers are rich in phenolglycosides, tannins, flavonoids, quercitrin, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids and minerals.

    In folk medicine, heather is used as a diuretic, stimulant and expectorant. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Horsetail extract

    Horsetail is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and to maintain the health of the urinary system.

    Antibacterial, anti-radical, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

    Promotes the synthesis of elastin, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.


    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Burdock root extract

    Burdock root extract is rich in sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, proteins, which together help to soothe, strengthen, protect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Burdock root extract is popular in hair and scalp care products. The essential oils and lipids in it help reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

    Skin cleansing and moisturizing effect.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Meadowsweet extract

    Meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and soothing effect. In folk medicine, it improves digestion and metabolism, stabilizes the body in stressful situations, it also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-rheumatic effects.

    Meadowsweet flowers are rich in essential oils, phenolic acids, phenolglycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dandelion extract

    Dandelion flower extract is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

    The substances in dandelions help to improve the condition of the skin, protect it against UV radiation, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of skin cells.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Bird cherry flower extract

    Common Bird cherry flowers are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Bird cherry flowers are rich in vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

    Bird cherry flowers have a skin-healing, soothing and nurturing function.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Caraway Extract

    Common caraway fruits and their preparations are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and against flatulence.

    Caraway extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur) extract

    Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used to improve intestinal health. Jerusalem artichokes contain phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid, inulin, coumarins, terpenes and various sugars.

    The substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dragon's head extract

    Dragon's head is a very powerful medicinal plant due to its biologically active compounds and essential oils known to have antimicrobial properties. It is used to strengthen immunity, heal bruises and in cases of herpes virus.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    Suitable for skin and hair care products.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Rhubarb extract

    Thanks to its beneficial health effects, rhubarb has been used in traditional medicine for almost 5,000 years, and today it is increasingly used in skin care products.

    The extract is rich in high concentrations of tannins, vitamins and phenols, which provide its antioxidant properties and whitening activity.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Birch leaf extract

    Birch leaves have antimicrobial properties and are used to cleanse the skin and heal wounds, as well as to treat skin conditions such as eczema.

    Birch leaf extract also has high anti-radical activity. The extract is a powerful antioxidant.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Daba kā palīgs matu veselības stāvokļa uzlabošanā – saruna ar Agnesi Ozoliņu

    Pēdējo 30 gadu laikā, gan vīriešu, gan sieviešu matu stāvoklis ir KRITISKI PASLIKTINĀJIES! Ko darīt, lai iegūtu veselīgus matus, un kādi soļi veicami, lai piepildītu šo savu sapni? ✨

    Agnese Ozoliņai, tā dēvētajai Matu Fejai, ir vairākkārt izdevies atjaunot sev skaisto matu rotu. Šajā lekcijā Tu iegūsi atbildi uz šādiem jautājumiem:

    • Kāds ir mūsdienu apburtais matu kopšanas aplis, kā no tā  izkļūt?
    • Kas ir tas, kas kaitē Tavu matu veselīgumam?
    • Cik bieži būtu ieteicams mazgāt matus?
    • Ar ko sākt, ja esi nolēmusi sākt apzināti rūpēties par saviem matiem?
    • Kā veikt dabīgo matu botox?
    • Kādus dabas produktus Agnese iesaka izmantot ikkatrai?
    • Dabīgu matu kopšanas līdzekļu receptes.
    • Citi jautājumi un atbildes.

    Sarunas ilgums – aptuveni 1h. 

    Tavs skaisto matu stāsts sākas ar Tevi, Tavu vēlmi zināt un izzināt, lai nepieļautu jau pieļautās kļūdas, un darītu šodien to, par ko pateiksies nākotnē. 

    Pēc pasūtījuma veikšanas, mēs nosūtīsim  piekļuvi sarunām.

    7.00 Kursi / izaicinājumi Add to basket
  • Ekspertu zelta padomi veselīgiem matiem ( 6 speciālistu sarunas)

    🔍 9 no 10 sievietēm apgalvo, ka matu un galvas ādas veselīgums ietekmē viņu pašpārliecinātību un labsajūtu. Bet, diemžēl, pēdējo 30 gadu laikā, gan vīriešu, gan sieviešu matu stāvoklis ir KRITISKI PASLIKTINĀJIES! Ko darīt, lai iegūtu veselīgus matus, un kādi soļi veicami, lai piepildītu šo savu sapni? ✨ Kam vērst uzmanību? Kā nenozust lielajā daudzumā mārketinga solījumu, kad šķietami katrs nākamais produkts būs tas “īstais”, kuru Tu meklē?

    Lai rastu skaidrību un saņemtu atbildes uz dažnedažādiem jautājumiem par matu veselīgumu, mēs esam aicinājuši dažādus speciālistus sniegt savu viedokli par tēmu – mati!

    (Uzzini vairāk informācijas nedaudz zemāk.)

    18.00 Kursi / izaicinājumi Add to basket
  • Ķermeņa / roku krēms ar augu eļļām un ekstraktiem

    Ķermeņa / roku krēms, ar augu ekstraktiem, kas lieliski mitrina ādu, un padara to samtaini gludu. Izvēlies sev vēlamo krēma aromātu un tilpumu! ( Krēmu sastāvs ir vienāds, atšķiras vien aromāts.)

    Aktīvās vielas krēmos: 

    • Krēms ar salvijas aromātu: šī sviests, olīvu skvalāns, vitamīns E, pentavitīns, salvijas ēteriskā eļļa
    • Krēms ar piparmētru aromātu: šī sviests, olīvu skvalāns, vitamīns E, pentavitīns, piparmētru ēteriskā eļļa
    • Krēms ar ceriņu aromātu: šī sviests, olīvu skvalāns, vitamīns E, pentavitīns


    6.059.68 Cosmetics Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • DIY skrubju komplekts 4 pers.

    Šis DIY jeb uztaisi pats skrubju komplekts var būt lieliska papildus aktivitāte  Tavā dzimšanas dienas ballītē, piknikā vai satikšanās reizē ar draudzenēm, mammu vai dzimtas sievietēm! Pavadiet kopīgi laiku radot! Par dabas caurstrāvotiem un maģiskiem kopā būšanas mirkļiem.


    Komplektā ir iekļautas 2 burciņas,  sāls, pamācība skrubja veidošanai un Latvijā ievākto augu maisījumi – 

    • peoniju krāšņums;
    • pieneņu vieglums;
    • ceriņu naivums;
    • bērza lapu pamatīgums;
    • klinģerītes saulainums;
    • ceļmallapas nosvērtums;
    • un nātres spēks.
    28.00 Uztaisi pats - skrubju komplekti! Add to basket
  • DIY skrubju komplekts 2 pers.

    Šis DIY jeb uztaisi pats skrubju komplekts var būt lieliska papildus aktivitāte  Tavā dzimšanas dienas ballītē, piknikā vai satikšanās reizē ar draudzenēm, mammu vai dzimtas sievietēm! Pavadiet kopīgi laiku radot! Par dabas caurstrāvotiem un maģiskiem kopā būšanas mirkļiem.


    Komplektā ir iekļautas 2 burciņas,  sāls, pamācība skrubja veidošanai un Latvijā ievākto augu maisījumi – 

    • peoniju krāšņums;
    • pieneņu vieglums;
    • ceriņu naivums;
    • un bērza lapu pamatīgums.
    15.00 Uztaisi pats - skrubju komplekti! Add to basket
  • Matu veselības ceļvedis

    Mati – katras sievietes rota.
    Domājams, ka ikkatra dāma ir saskārusies ar to, ka mati izkrīt, tiem pazudis mirdzums vai vienkārši ir radusies vēlme,  lai tie būtu kuplāki un veselīgāki.

    Mēs esam pārliecināti, ka zinām, visu, kas ir nepieciešams, lai atrisinātu  iepriekš minēto un palīdzētu Tev iegūt savu sapņu galvas rotu. Tieši tādēļ, dažādiem speciālistiem apvienojoties, esam izveidojuši “Matu veselības ceļvedi”, kurā pavisam kodolīgi ir aprakstīts viss, kas jāņem vērā, kopjot matus, lai veicinātu to veselīgumu un augšanu.

    15.00 Cosmetics Add to basket
  • Viburnum berry extract

    Irbeņu ogas ir bagātas ar A, B grupas, C, E, K vitamīniem, oleīnskābi, laurīnskābi un linolēnskābi.

    Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the viburnum berry extract, the extract promotes the production of collagen, delays the aging process, accelerates wound healing and promotes blood microcirculation in the skin.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Heather extract

    Heathers are rich in phenolglycosides, tannins, flavonoids, quercitrin, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids and minerals.

    In folk medicine, heather is used as a diuretic, stimulant and expectorant. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Horsetail extract

    Horsetail is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and to maintain the health of the urinary system.

    Antibacterial, anti-radical, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

    Promotes the synthesis of elastin, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.


    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Burdock root extract

    Burdock root extract is rich in sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, proteins, which together help to soothe, strengthen, protect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Burdock root extract is popular in hair and scalp care products. The essential oils and lipids in it help reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

    Skin cleansing and moisturizing effect.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Meadowsweet extract

    Meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and soothing effect. In folk medicine, it improves digestion and metabolism, stabilizes the body in stressful situations, it also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-rheumatic effects.

    Meadowsweet flowers are rich in essential oils, phenolic acids, phenolglycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dandelion extract

    Dandelion flower extract is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

    The substances in dandelions help to improve the condition of the skin, protect it against UV radiation, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of skin cells.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Bird cherry flower extract

    Common Bird cherry flowers are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Bird cherry flowers are rich in vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

    Bird cherry flowers have a skin-healing, soothing and nurturing function.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Caraway Extract

    Common caraway fruits and their preparations are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and against flatulence.

    Caraway extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur) extract

    Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used to improve intestinal health. Jerusalem artichokes contain phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid, inulin, coumarins, terpenes and various sugars.

    The substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Skrubju gatavošanas meistarklase Sutros

    + Dāvanā no mums uz ugunskura vārīta zupa!

    If you want to take on the role of creator and create your own body scrub - then this is your chance!

    We offer you to choose the Latvian plants closest to you and create a gentle, cleansing and aromatic scrub for the body or face, as well as learn various useful tips on skin care!

    Meistarklases ilgums: 1h.

    Dalībnieku skaits: 7-20.

    Lokācija: Līvānu novads, Sutri, Rasa Botanicals meistarklašu namiņš.

    Piedāvājumā ietilpst – uz ugunskura vārīta zupa, iespēja organizēt fotosesiju mūsu daiļdārzā, iepakojums, etiķetes, izejmateriāli un stāsti par augiem.

    13.00 Masterclases Add to basket
  • Viburnum berry extract

    Irbeņu ogas ir bagātas ar A, B grupas, C, E, K vitamīniem, oleīnskābi, laurīnskābi un linolēnskābi.

    Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the viburnum berry extract, the extract promotes the production of collagen, delays the aging process, accelerates wound healing and promotes blood microcirculation in the skin.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Heather extract

    Heathers are rich in phenolglycosides, tannins, flavonoids, quercitrin, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids and minerals.

    In folk medicine, heather is used as a diuretic, stimulant and expectorant. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Horsetail extract

    Horsetail is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and to maintain the health of the urinary system.

    Antibacterial, anti-radical, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

    Promotes the synthesis of elastin, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.


    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Burdock root extract

    Burdock root extract is rich in sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, proteins, which together help to soothe, strengthen, protect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Burdock root extract is popular in hair and scalp care products. The essential oils and lipids in it help reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

    Skin cleansing and moisturizing effect.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Meadowsweet extract

    Meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and soothing effect. In folk medicine, it improves digestion and metabolism, stabilizes the body in stressful situations, it also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-rheumatic effects.

    Meadowsweet flowers are rich in essential oils, phenolic acids, phenolglycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dandelion extract

    Dandelion flower extract is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

    The substances in dandelions help to improve the condition of the skin, protect it against UV radiation, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of skin cells.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Bird cherry flower extract

    Common Bird cherry flowers are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Bird cherry flowers are rich in vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

    Bird cherry flowers have a skin-healing, soothing and nurturing function.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Caraway Extract

    Common caraway fruits and their preparations are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and against flatulence.

    Caraway extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur) extract

    Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used to improve intestinal health. Jerusalem artichokes contain phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid, inulin, coumarins, terpenes and various sugars.

    The substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dragon's head extract

    Dragon's head is a very powerful medicinal plant due to its biologically active compounds and essential oils known to have antimicrobial properties. It is used to strengthen immunity, heal bruises and in cases of herpes virus.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    Suitable for skin and hair care products.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Rhubarb extract

    Thanks to its beneficial health effects, rhubarb has been used in traditional medicine for almost 5,000 years, and today it is increasingly used in skin care products.

    The extract is rich in high concentrations of tannins, vitamins and phenols, which provide its antioxidant properties and whitening activity.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Birch leaf extract

    Birch leaves have antimicrobial properties and are used to cleanse the skin and heal wounds, as well as to treat skin conditions such as eczema.

    Birch leaf extract also has high anti-radical activity. The extract is a powerful antioxidant.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Viburnum berry extract

    Irbeņu ogas ir bagātas ar A, B grupas, C, E, K vitamīniem, oleīnskābi, laurīnskābi un linolēnskābi.

    Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the viburnum berry extract, the extract promotes the production of collagen, delays the aging process, accelerates wound healing and promotes blood microcirculation in the skin.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Heather extract

    Heathers are rich in phenolglycosides, tannins, flavonoids, quercitrin, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids and minerals.

    In folk medicine, heather is used as a diuretic, stimulant and expectorant. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Horsetail extract

    Horsetail is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and to maintain the health of the urinary system.

    Antibacterial, anti-radical, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

    Promotes the synthesis of elastin, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.


    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Burdock root extract

    Burdock root extract is rich in sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, proteins, which together help to soothe, strengthen, protect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Burdock root extract is popular in hair and scalp care products. The essential oils and lipids in it help reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

    Skin cleansing and moisturizing effect.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Meadowsweet extract

    Meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and soothing effect. In folk medicine, it improves digestion and metabolism, stabilizes the body in stressful situations, it also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-rheumatic effects.

    Meadowsweet flowers are rich in essential oils, phenolic acids, phenolglycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dandelion extract

    Dandelion flower extract is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

    The substances in dandelions help to improve the condition of the skin, protect it against UV radiation, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of skin cells.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Bird cherry flower extract

    Common Bird cherry flowers are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Bird cherry flowers are rich in vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

    Bird cherry flowers have a skin-healing, soothing and nurturing function.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Caraway Extract

    Common caraway fruits and their preparations are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and against flatulence.

    Caraway extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur) extract

    Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used to improve intestinal health. Jerusalem artichokes contain phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid, inulin, coumarins, terpenes and various sugars.

    The substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dragon's head extract

    Dragon's head is a very powerful medicinal plant due to its biologically active compounds and essential oils known to have antimicrobial properties. It is used to strengthen immunity, heal bruises and in cases of herpes virus.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    Suitable for skin and hair care products.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Rhubarb extract

    Thanks to its beneficial health effects, rhubarb has been used in traditional medicine for almost 5,000 years, and today it is increasingly used in skin care products.

    The extract is rich in high concentrations of tannins, vitamins and phenols, which provide its antioxidant properties and whitening activity.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Birch leaf extract

    Birch leaves have antimicrobial properties and are used to cleanse the skin and heal wounds, as well as to treat skin conditions such as eczema.

    Birch leaf extract also has high anti-radical activity. The extract is a powerful antioxidant.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Category: Ekstrakti

  • Viburnum berry extract

    Irbeņu ogas ir bagātas ar A, B grupas, C, E, K vitamīniem, oleīnskābi, laurīnskābi un linolēnskābi.

    Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the viburnum berry extract, the extract promotes the production of collagen, delays the aging process, accelerates wound healing and promotes blood microcirculation in the skin.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Heather extract

    Heathers are rich in phenolglycosides, tannins, flavonoids, quercitrin, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids and minerals.

    In folk medicine, heather is used as a diuretic, stimulant and expectorant. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Horsetail extract

    Horsetail is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and to maintain the health of the urinary system.

    Antibacterial, anti-radical, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

    Promotes the synthesis of elastin, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.


    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Burdock root extract

    Burdock root extract is rich in sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, proteins, which together help to soothe, strengthen, protect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Burdock root extract is popular in hair and scalp care products. The essential oils and lipids in it help reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

    Skin cleansing and moisturizing effect.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Meadowsweet extract

    Meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and soothing effect. In folk medicine, it improves digestion and metabolism, stabilizes the body in stressful situations, it also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-rheumatic effects.

    Meadowsweet flowers are rich in essential oils, phenolic acids, phenolglycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dandelion extract

    Dandelion flower extract is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

    The substances in dandelions help to improve the condition of the skin, protect it against UV radiation, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of skin cells.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Bird cherry flower extract

    Common Bird cherry flowers are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Bird cherry flowers are rich in vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

    Bird cherry flowers have a skin-healing, soothing and nurturing function.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Caraway Extract

    Common caraway fruits and their preparations are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and against flatulence.

    Caraway extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur) extract

    Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used to improve intestinal health. Jerusalem artichokes contain phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid, inulin, coumarins, terpenes and various sugars.

    The substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dragon's head extract

    Dragon's head is a very powerful medicinal plant due to its biologically active compounds and essential oils known to have antimicrobial properties. It is used to strengthen immunity, heal bruises and in cases of herpes virus.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    Suitable for skin and hair care products.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Rhubarb extract

    Thanks to its beneficial health effects, rhubarb has been used in traditional medicine for almost 5,000 years, and today it is increasingly used in skin care products.

    The extract is rich in high concentrations of tannins, vitamins and phenols, which provide its antioxidant properties and whitening activity.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Birch leaf extract

    Birch leaves have antimicrobial properties and are used to cleanse the skin and heal wounds, as well as to treat skin conditions such as eczema.

    Birch leaf extract also has high anti-radical activity. The extract is a powerful antioxidant.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Daba kā palīgs matu veselības stāvokļa uzlabošanā – saruna ar Agnesi Ozoliņu

    Pēdējo 30 gadu laikā, gan vīriešu, gan sieviešu matu stāvoklis ir KRITISKI PASLIKTINĀJIES! Ko darīt, lai iegūtu veselīgus matus, un kādi soļi veicami, lai piepildītu šo savu sapni? ✨

    Agnese Ozoliņai, tā dēvētajai Matu Fejai, ir vairākkārt izdevies atjaunot sev skaisto matu rotu. Šajā lekcijā Tu iegūsi atbildi uz šādiem jautājumiem:

    • Kāds ir mūsdienu apburtais matu kopšanas aplis, kā no tā  izkļūt?
    • Kas ir tas, kas kaitē Tavu matu veselīgumam?
    • Cik bieži būtu ieteicams mazgāt matus?
    • Ar ko sākt, ja esi nolēmusi sākt apzināti rūpēties par saviem matiem?
    • Kā veikt dabīgo matu botox?
    • Kādus dabas produktus Agnese iesaka izmantot ikkatrai?
    • Dabīgu matu kopšanas līdzekļu receptes.
    • Citi jautājumi un atbildes.

    Sarunas ilgums – aptuveni 1h. 

    Tavs skaisto matu stāsts sākas ar Tevi, Tavu vēlmi zināt un izzināt, lai nepieļautu jau pieļautās kļūdas, un darītu šodien to, par ko pateiksies nākotnē. 

    Pēc pasūtījuma veikšanas, mēs nosūtīsim  piekļuvi sarunām.

    7.00 Kursi / izaicinājumi Add to basket
  • Ekspertu zelta padomi veselīgiem matiem ( 6 speciālistu sarunas)

    🔍 9 no 10 sievietēm apgalvo, ka matu un galvas ādas veselīgums ietekmē viņu pašpārliecinātību un labsajūtu. Bet, diemžēl, pēdējo 30 gadu laikā, gan vīriešu, gan sieviešu matu stāvoklis ir KRITISKI PASLIKTINĀJIES! Ko darīt, lai iegūtu veselīgus matus, un kādi soļi veicami, lai piepildītu šo savu sapni? ✨ Kam vērst uzmanību? Kā nenozust lielajā daudzumā mārketinga solījumu, kad šķietami katrs nākamais produkts būs tas “īstais”, kuru Tu meklē?

    Lai rastu skaidrību un saņemtu atbildes uz dažnedažādiem jautājumiem par matu veselīgumu, mēs esam aicinājuši dažādus speciālistus sniegt savu viedokli par tēmu – mati!

    (Uzzini vairāk informācijas nedaudz zemāk.)

    18.00 Kursi / izaicinājumi Add to basket
  • Ķermeņa / roku krēms ar augu eļļām un ekstraktiem

    Ķermeņa / roku krēms, ar augu ekstraktiem, kas lieliski mitrina ādu, un padara to samtaini gludu. Izvēlies sev vēlamo krēma aromātu un tilpumu! ( Krēmu sastāvs ir vienāds, atšķiras vien aromāts.)

    Aktīvās vielas krēmos: 

    • Krēms ar salvijas aromātu: šī sviests, olīvu skvalāns, vitamīns E, pentavitīns, salvijas ēteriskā eļļa
    • Krēms ar piparmētru aromātu: šī sviests, olīvu skvalāns, vitamīns E, pentavitīns, piparmētru ēteriskā eļļa
    • Krēms ar ceriņu aromātu: šī sviests, olīvu skvalāns, vitamīns E, pentavitīns


    6.059.68 Cosmetics Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • DIY skrubju komplekts 4 pers.

    Šis DIY jeb uztaisi pats skrubju komplekts var būt lieliska papildus aktivitāte  Tavā dzimšanas dienas ballītē, piknikā vai satikšanās reizē ar draudzenēm, mammu vai dzimtas sievietēm! Pavadiet kopīgi laiku radot! Par dabas caurstrāvotiem un maģiskiem kopā būšanas mirkļiem.


    Komplektā ir iekļautas 2 burciņas,  sāls, pamācība skrubja veidošanai un Latvijā ievākto augu maisījumi – 

    • peoniju krāšņums;
    • pieneņu vieglums;
    • ceriņu naivums;
    • bērza lapu pamatīgums;
    • klinģerītes saulainums;
    • ceļmallapas nosvērtums;
    • un nātres spēks.
    28.00 Uztaisi pats - skrubju komplekti! Add to basket
  • DIY skrubju komplekts 2 pers.

    Šis DIY jeb uztaisi pats skrubju komplekts var būt lieliska papildus aktivitāte  Tavā dzimšanas dienas ballītē, piknikā vai satikšanās reizē ar draudzenēm, mammu vai dzimtas sievietēm! Pavadiet kopīgi laiku radot! Par dabas caurstrāvotiem un maģiskiem kopā būšanas mirkļiem.


    Komplektā ir iekļautas 2 burciņas,  sāls, pamācība skrubja veidošanai un Latvijā ievākto augu maisījumi – 

    • peoniju krāšņums;
    • pieneņu vieglums;
    • ceriņu naivums;
    • un bērza lapu pamatīgums.
    15.00 Uztaisi pats - skrubju komplekti! Add to basket
  • Matu veselības ceļvedis

    Mati – katras sievietes rota.
    Domājams, ka ikkatra dāma ir saskārusies ar to, ka mati izkrīt, tiem pazudis mirdzums vai vienkārši ir radusies vēlme,  lai tie būtu kuplāki un veselīgāki.

    Mēs esam pārliecināti, ka zinām, visu, kas ir nepieciešams, lai atrisinātu  iepriekš minēto un palīdzētu Tev iegūt savu sapņu galvas rotu. Tieši tādēļ, dažādiem speciālistiem apvienojoties, esam izveidojuši “Matu veselības ceļvedi”, kurā pavisam kodolīgi ir aprakstīts viss, kas jāņem vērā, kopjot matus, lai veicinātu to veselīgumu un augšanu.

    15.00 Cosmetics Add to basket
  • Viburnum berry extract

    Irbeņu ogas ir bagātas ar A, B grupas, C, E, K vitamīniem, oleīnskābi, laurīnskābi un linolēnskābi.

    Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the viburnum berry extract, the extract promotes the production of collagen, delays the aging process, accelerates wound healing and promotes blood microcirculation in the skin.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Heather extract

    Heathers are rich in phenolglycosides, tannins, flavonoids, quercitrin, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids and minerals.

    In folk medicine, heather is used as a diuretic, stimulant and expectorant. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Horsetail extract

    Horsetail is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and to maintain the health of the urinary system.

    Antibacterial, anti-radical, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

    Promotes the synthesis of elastin, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.


    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Burdock root extract

    Burdock root extract is rich in sugars, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, proteins, which together help to soothe, strengthen, protect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Burdock root extract is popular in hair and scalp care products. The essential oils and lipids in it help reduce sebum production and prevent dandruff.

    Skin cleansing and moisturizing effect.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Meadowsweet extract

    Meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and soothing effect. In folk medicine, it improves digestion and metabolism, stabilizes the body in stressful situations, it also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-rheumatic effects.

    Meadowsweet flowers are rich in essential oils, phenolic acids, phenolglycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Dandelion extract

    Dandelion flower extract is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

    The substances in dandelions help to improve the condition of the skin, protect it against UV radiation, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of skin cells.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Bird cherry flower extract

    Common Bird cherry flowers are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Bird cherry flowers are rich in vitamin C, glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

    Bird cherry flowers have a skin-healing, soothing and nurturing function.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Caraway Extract

    Common caraway fruits and their preparations are used in folk medicine to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and against flatulence.

    Caraway extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements.

    The extract has strong antioxidant activity due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur) extract

    Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used to improve intestinal health. Jerusalem artichokes contain phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid, inulin, coumarins, terpenes and various sugars.

    The substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract provide antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    6.6223.11 Extracts Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Skrubju gatavošanas meistarklase Sutros

    + Dāvanā no mums uz ugunskura vārīta zupa!

    If you want to take on the role of creator and create your own body scrub - then this is your chance!

    We offer you to choose the Latvian plants closest to you and create a gentle, cleansing and aromatic scrub for the body or face, as well as learn various useful tips on skin care!

    Meistarklases ilgums: 1h.

    Dalībnieku skaits: 7-20.

    Lokācija: Līvānu novads, Sutri, Rasa Botanicals meistarklašu namiņš.

    Piedāvājumā ietilpst – uz ugunskura vārīta zupa, iespēja organizēt fotosesiju mūsu daiļdārzā, iepakojums, etiķetes, izejmateriāli un stāsti par augiem.

    13.00 Masterclases Add to basket

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